Andreas Frei
Born 1972, lives in Munich, Germany.
First book “A Part” published in 2009 by bellybandbooks.
Book dummy “Hab Acht” was one of the selected international entries to be shown at the Photobookfestival Kassel in 2010.
Book dummy “Gute Nacht Mein Herz” was shown at the Kassel Photobookfestival 2011 within the presentation of last years review prize winner.
In 2014 co-founded the artist book cooperative “million books”.
Released the title “Long Way Home” as well as two issues of a foldout-poster-zine called “Lost&Found 2+4”.
“Ghosts In My Car” released in 2015.
Featured in “Der Greif” Ausgabe 8.
Tables at Vienna Photobook Festival 2014 and 2015, as well as Polycopies 2015 during Paris Photo.
Selected by Robert Morat for his Guest-Room at Der Greif.
New books in the works.