Monika Dluska
Monika Dłuska graduated from the Department of Conservation and Restauration of Works of Art of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, and further pursued her education in Valencia at the Universitad Politecnica de Valencia.During her studies she participated in wide range of projects about scenography, VJing, theater and experimental art. Education: 2008- 2009 –Studies of Far East Culture, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland 2009-2015 – Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Fine Arts Academy, Cracow, Poland 2012- 2014 – course of Stage Design at Scenography department, Fine Arts Academy, Cracow, Poland 2012-2014- course “Great reform of Theater” Institute of Jerzy Grotowski, Wroclaw, Poland 2013-2014- Scenography and audio-visiual media,Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain